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NFTs on Utopic unlock creators and users with a unique opportunity to foster ownership and content authenticity, obtain exclusive rights and benefits, accelerate reward gains and tokenize contributions to the next level.

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Earn and Stake Utopic Tokens UTOP under decentralized governance. The more valuable contents you contribute to the ecosystem, the greater share of UTOPs you own.

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The humans behind the product

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. 8 years experience in mobile development.

Web3 believer. PhD in Machine Learning. 8+ years experience as Tech Lead of AI and data science in various top tech companies in the Silicon Valley.

1BTC = 1BTC. Leading the tech innovation across a wide range of software stacks.

Designer specialized in designing user friendly interface with over 3 years experience in mobile and web design.

A Web3 believer and passionate engineer with 20+ years of software engineering experiences on a variety of platforms.

A web3 builder and growth hacker building global scale socialfi products. Well-rounded in product operation, business strategy and human capital.

Creating elegant products for people with love. 5+ years building world-class products for billions of global users.
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Questions & Answers
UP stands for Utopic Points, which is the credits of user’s contribution to the Utopic ecosystem.
UP measures the effort and contributions made by users in the Utopic ecosystem. Effort refers to the core actions and activities that users engage in on Utopic, such as reading, posting, voting, commenting, sharing, referring, and more. This is similar to user contribution credits, which serve as an internal representation of user activity.
Note that UP is not transactional due to its unlimited supply nature. Its main uses are:
1. Determining the level of users, as it reflects user contribution.
2. Automatically redeeming to UTOP to earn UTOP for users on the date it is mined. After redeeming, UP will not disappear, but will become part of the historical UP. The exchange rate between UP and UTOP fluctuates every day, as the daily UTOP supply is fixed but the daily total UP mined by users is random, depending on all user activities that day.The most effective way to earn UP is by contributing to the ecosystem through meaningful actions, as that is what UP rewards for.
1. One of the best ways is to create content by answering questions and posting articles that the community is interested in. This way, you can obtain initial UP rewards for producing high-quality content, and users' reading and actions can mine more UP for you. For example, if a user reads your content for 1 minute, both they and you can get 1 UP. If 1000 users read your content for 5 minutes, that is 5000 UP for you from that single piece of content.
2. Refer new users. The new user will receive a sign-up bonus and you can get a referral bonus.
3. If you are not a creator, reading, commenting, and sharing any content to your social network can be effective as well. Since anyone, external user who reads the link you share and signs up will mine UP for them and you, even if you are not the author.
4. Sign in frequently, as signing in will also earn you UP.UTOP is the decentralized utility token of Utopic. Its role is similar to fiat money in our society, serving as the external symbol of supply in the financial rewards system. It will be controlled by open-source smart contracts and be self-runnable.
Specifically, a fixed amount of UTOP will be released every day to serve as supply, and it will decay each year. For each day, all active users will receive UPs according to their own activities and other users' activities on their content data. These UPs represent the total demand, and the exchange rate between UP and UTOP is determined by these two factors.
For more details, you can read into Utopic Whitepaper.The best strategy is to contribute to the Utopic.ai ecosystem by contributing topics/questions, answers or articles. Sharing content to your social network or other platforms, referring new users, reading, liking and commenting can also help you get UP rewards. Then UP rewards will automatically redeem to UTOP on a daily basis.
The easiest way is on your chrome browser on PC. You can follow the guideline here: https://utopic.ai/article/85f7421f-5fc3-4ec0-94da-1b46d33545ff
Currently, we do not support connecting to wallet via normal mobile browsers . However, you can access utopic.ai using the Metamask browser feature and easily connect your wallet there.You can find detailed guideline here: guideline here: https://utopic.ai/article/85f7421f-5fc3-4ec0-94da-1b46d33545ff
You can easily access it on the homepage (before sign-up/in) and main page (after sign-in). On the main page, the link is located at the bottom of the right column along with other links.
Alternatively, you can directly access this link